Blogs 3 min read The data led approach to measuring business culture People-driven change starts with numbers and graphs, as robotic and inhuman as they might initially appear to be.
Blogs 4 min read Measure culture the right way and employee engagement will follow Organisations that measure culture as behaviours, create an environment in which employees feel valued, and engagement scores rise as a result.
Blogs 6 min read Why company culture starts with business leaders – not HR Our founder highlights why one of the most serious missteps company leaders can make is to prioritise productivity and profits over culture.
Blogs 3 min read Engagement vs Culture In this blog, our founder Charlie, explains why measuring employee engagement isn't enough, especially when going through change.
Blogs 5 min read Do you have a Toxic Culture? Learn how to confront toxic culture and build a healthy workplace for success - with insights and practical strategies.
Blogs 6 min read Taking the ‘Fuzziness’ out of Culture Most organisations recognise the importance of culture but lack a clear and coherent framework to harness it for growth. This blog explains the Culture15 approach.