Use Culture15 in your organisation

Assess your Culture

Unlock the power of culture in your organisation with Culture15’s SaaS tool.

Assess your culture, gain deep insights, and drive meaningful change.
Empower your teams, enhance performance, and shape a thriving workplace for the future.

Inspired by decades of hands-on experience

Tangible Culture Metrics

Culture15 turns the abstract concept of culture into tangible metrics.

Our AI engine converts speech or text into culture metrics, providing you with rich and actionable insight.

Culture lives in natural language, so measure it that way to and harness the potential of real culture analytics to nurture change.

Culture15 measures trust, engagement and collective behaviours to illustrate the full picture of your culture.

How Culture15 works

Our Data-Driven Approach


Identify and define the target behaviours that your organisation needs in order to execute your strategy and succeed


Diagnose your current culture and gain insight into the collective behaviours and ways of working that individuals experience daily


Take ownership of your culture with continuous measurement and close the gap between current and target culture over time
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Trusted by organisations across the globe

The Smart Choice for Culture Analytics

Utilised by leading brands, BMJ, The British Army, Sprout Social and Concurrent Technologies to name a few, Culture15 is fast becoming the smart choice for cultural analytics and transformation in any organisation.

Culture15 measures collective behaviours across the following 5 areas

People interactions

Do your people work together in a way that favours the collective or the individual? Is there a climate of harmony or challenge? Is there a strong sense of accountability? How parental is your culture?


Is your approach to decision-making largely discursive or decisive? Do you focus more on gaining consensus, or delivering results? How hierarchical is your organisation?


Does your culture have a predominantly fixed or learning mindset? How much effort do you expend on planning vs taking action? Is your interaction style more relational or empathetic?

Energy orientation

Is your culture ambitious or cautious? Does the focus of your team’s energy rest on internal or external forces? Do your teams tend to interact formally or informally?

Information flow

How transparent is your organisational culture? Does information typically flow-one way or many-to-many? Is communication structured or unstructured?

What our clients say

Game-changing leaders trust Culture15 to accelerate change

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