
AI-powered culture measurement

Equip your managers to understand, measure and manage your culture like never before.

Our new AI engine, enhances our culture measurement tool by converting speech into culture metrics, providing you with rich and actionable insight.

Culture lives in the qualitative, so measure it that way and harness the potential of real culture analytics to nurture change.

Culture15 leads the way


Don’t know where to start?

Baseline your culture as it is today like never before, thanks to our culture measurement tool, now enhanced with AI driven insights taken directly from your employees.

Lacking actionable insights?

The Culture15 dashboard provides actionable culture metrics designed to empower managers with the data required to nurture the culture needed to be successful.

Struggling with survey fatigue?

No more Agree-Disagree surveys. Employees can verbally respond in one of 26 languages in an easy, quick and engaging exchange.

Meet Rosetta

Converting speech or text into actionable culture metrics

Culture exists in collective behaviours which determine “how work get’s done”.

It is contextual and qualitative and we feel that agree-disagree or Likert-style surveys often fail to account for cultural nuances, critical to truly understanding culture.

That’s why we’ve developed our new AI engine to convert speech and text input directly into rich, actionable insight.

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Companies that trust Culture15 with their culture analytics


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