Learn about Culture15 and the value our SaaS tool provides…
What is Culture15?
How do you measure culture?
Who is Culture15 for?
If I already measure engagement, why should I also measure culture ?
Leaders often use engagement surveys in an attempt to understand culture, only to find the results interesting, but not useful.
Why? Because engagement surveys aggregate individual sentiment, whereas culture analytics measure collective behaviours.
Engagement data tells you how people feel, while culture data tells you what people do; and it’s what people do – the culture – that drives engagement or disengagement as an outcome.
Can I customise the platform?
Can Culture15 help build a positive culture ?
Do I need to install any software?
Can shifting from engagement to culture measurement impact business performance ?
Yes. Whilst engagement does matter, it only measures individual sentiment – which doesn’t always connect with strategy, nor correlate with business outcomes.
You may have a happy workforce with high levels of engagement, yet low organisational performance.
Therefore, by measuring collective behaviours, and how work really gets done within your organisation, you can better understand your culture and how to shape it in order to determine business performance.
How much does Culture15 cost?
Do you offer consulting services?
What kind of client support do you offer?
Where is my data stored and is it secure and private?
We only store names and email addresses as “personal information.” This information is not linked to any of the other data we collect.
We collect comments that may contain personal information; however, to ensure anonymity, we do not associate any response with an email address or any personal details. Additionally, each collected comment is processed by an artificial intelligence system that identifies and removes any potentially personal information (such as names, vehicle registration numbers, credit card details, dates of birth, etc.) before storing the comment in our database.
Our infrastructure is based in London, and all data is encrypted both at rest and in transit.
If I have further questions, who do I ask?
If you have any other questions, want to suggest a new feature or book a demo get in touch with our team: hello@culture15.com