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Use the Culture15 platform to grow your business
Consultancies and other professional service companies use Culture15’s culture assessment tool to support their clients in measuring and managing culture. Add exceptional value to your clients, enhance your proposition and shape the future of work
A sample of the great companies that have utilised Culture15 within their value proposition
Why partner with us
Exceptional value
Culture assessment
Proven methodology
An analytics platform to help you
understand your organisation’s culture
Business performance is dictated by the ability of an organisation to execute strategy, through culture. Equip senior leadership with a common language and set a target culture for your organisation. Diagnose your organisation’s current culture to measure and close the culture gap.
Culture is a key success factor in every business transformation. Segment and analyse behavioural data from across your organisation. Benchmark early and track progress towards aligning your organisation’s culture.
Align the business around a common set of beliefs, actions and behaviours – aggregated into capabilities (otherwise known as values or virtues of the organisation). Create your own or benchmark against the rest.
The perceived trust within the organisation is a critical output, or measure, of any organisation. Measure, segment and track trust over time.
Using AI the Culture15 platform can provide you with insight into the sentiment of employees based on the frequency of words and the sentiment behind them. As a result you are able quickly gain an understanding of the feelings of employees on particular topics.
See how engagement and sentiment change over time as the culture moves towards your target state. A single measurement platform for culture, trust, engagement and sentiment.
Flexible partnering opportunities
Culture15 equips you to define the culture your clients want, diagnose the culture they have and track progress as you help them shape the change.
We have a range of partnership models available to suit your goals.